Our Story

As a life-long dog lover, my family and I were thrilled when Tilley arrived.  

Tilley is a very unique dog and we get lots of questions about her ... particularly ... “what kind of dog is she”?  

Well, it’s a long story but Tilley is a 50 pound “mini” goldendoodle. Unlike most goldendoodles, Tilley avoids the water at all cost and sheds like crazy! 

However, Tilley loves the snow!

At the first sight of snow you will see Tilley bounding outside to greet the freshly fallen snow.  However, Tilley’s furry legs are a magnet for developing what we call “snow ball paws”.  

To Tilley’s dismay, we have tried numerous different tactics to try and remove these snow balls but with little success.  


After our best efforts to remove the snow balls, the remaining snow continues to melt all over the house, leaving puddles everywhere. Meanwhile, Tilley gnaws at the remaining snow balls and tries to warm up her freezing cold paws. 

Great news for Tilley and for us! 

We have found a solution …. The Doggie De-Icer®.  The Doggie De-Icer® is a simple, dog grooming tool used to remove all of the snow balls, provides very quick results and as you can see from our video, we believe Tilley actually enjoys the sensation of being De-Iced.

We hope that for all snow dog lovers out there, the Doggie De-Icer® will be a part of your pet grooming essentials.